20 Ocak 2015 Salı


It may seem unusual choice for most of you but

 I think Özlem Özden is the person of the year. 

Let me explain my reasons. Firstly, she is not a 

normal person that we know already:) However, 

I realized that most of the people wathed ''Bu 

Tarz Benim'' for fun including me:)She is 

moody, absurd or maybe has other bad 

behaviour but she is also funny. She acted in 

some ways but it does not matter for me, she has 

people spend time on TV. Secondly, everybody 

who is next to her hated her  but she eliminated 

them during the competition. In every episode of

the programme she fighted one of the girls.She was insulted by 

both jury and other girls but she smiled every time. Although 

she had haters, she never ave up. They critisized his 

age, clothes even his hair but she changed totally. The jury 

confessed the big change of Özlem. Another reason is that she 

got a job after competition.Now, she is presenter in another 


1 yorum:

  1. This is a really strange choice, I must admit. I get that she is self confident and that is a nice feature but I believe that the person of the year should have other qualifications as well. There are people who contribute greatly to society and world and most people would choose them instead but I like the way you think differently.
